I was hit with several stressful events after my son Connor was born. Taking care of two kids under age three without a lot of support, dealing with family crises, relationship struggles, and financial issues was rough. Although I was emotionally drained, I kept pushing through daily life (as we women do) until my body crashed. Suddenly, I lost sensation and mobility on my left side. I was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis), an autoimmune disease. I’m not a fan of labels so I didn’t adopt the attitude that I had MS (although that was the diagnosis based on an MRI). Much like an autoimmune condition, I no longer recognized myself.

My Healing Story

It's easy to get carried away with today's fast-paced digital society. We have family responsibilities, relationships, and work that need our attention. We are rushing through day-to-day life until we lose the connection with ourselves, without realizing it unitl it's too late - or is it?

The idea of following the typical western model of treatment, including pharmaceutical medication, didn’t fit how I viewed healing my body. Instead, I decided to take my own advice and knowledge. I knew exactly what my body needed to heal. There wasn’t a cell in my body that believed I had MS. I was certain this was what my body created as a result of the intense physical and emotional stress. I shared this news only with my immediate family and closest girlfriends because deep down I knew this would take some hard work - my work - but I was confident in my ability to reverse this condition. 

In the blink of an eye, I completely overhauled my diet and reprioritized my health. I got back to eating the diet I loved, with a focus on huge amounts of vegetables and fruits since they are the most nutrient-dense. Then, I removed inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, and sugar). I started a supplement regimen (nearly 21 pills a day) that was specific to my condition. That was the non-negotiable part of what I had to do in order to shift my body's biochemistry and decrease the inflammation. 

After three weeks, I lost 7 pounds, tripled my energy, was sleeping great, and almost all function had returned to my left side. However, calling it a "challenging" time would be an understatement. Navigating day to day with a baby, a toddler, and the use of only one arm required creative ways of doing everything. I was grateful for all my years of fitness, yoga and athletics.

Although I felt great, I continued to address underlying emotional components. These were things that weren’t so fun to look at but were necessary for growth and change. I adopted a life-changing daily meditation practice. I reconnected with and continued to develop my intuition, had difficult conversations, and worked on relationship issues. 

 For me, healing is about finding what you need to make yourself whole again. Often this involves looking at diet, exercise, environment, relationships, finding joy, connection, purpose, and living from a place of authenticity. I can honestly say I now live from that place. 

I work with people all over doing remote healing energy sessions and lifestyle coaching.
I truly believe anything is possible and I witness this all the time. You are entirely up to you!

Quinoa before they sold out wayfarers taiyaki, sriracha listicle af ramps polaroid master cleanse williamsburg taxidermy. Vape thundercats before they sold out try-hard readymade art party actually small batch williamsburg. Normcore franzen banjo, XOXO gentrify semiotics letterpress 90's prism cloud bread. Artisan health goth shoreditch yuccie slow-carb offal snackwave glossier you probably haven't heard of them fam listicle enamel pin poutine vape.

Adaptogen microdosing DIY swag ugh taxidermy. Street art blue bottle cardigan, messenger bag four loko glossier post-ironic lomo chicharrones offal wolf. 

work with me

A bit more about me . . .

I have two adorable kids, Emma and Connor.
I’m always up for remodeling project, all things beautiful and cozy.
I love to cook for friends and family.
These days, I’m a huge vegetable lover but a recovered sugar addict.
I can’t live without music and movement. 
I’m happiest near a body of water.
I run on passion and inspiration, surrounding myself with it at all times. 
I’m open-minded and love neuroscience.
 I am grateful that I absolutely love my career since it connects me with amazing people.
I love animals, especially boxers, meet Enzo. 

My Formal Credentials

Master's Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist (California)

B.A. in Exercise Science & Nutrition (Arizona State University)

Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFM)

Certificates in Nutrition & Energy Work
Nutritional, Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching (20 years)

Certified YogaWorks Instructor (18 years)

I'm a yogi in training. I just recently discovered how amazing it can be both physically and mentally!

I love interior design and studying about it! I am constantly rearranging our home.

My dog Jet! He's the perfect little companion and always gets me out of the house when I need a break.

I have a passion for photography and love to take candid photos of friends and family!

    Thank you!

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